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A beautiful and functional garage door requires a perfect garage door installation. Installing a garage door is a tricky process if you lack the essential tools and skills that are needed to guarantee a perfect job. One mistake could mean safety risks or expensive damage to the door, your garage and perhaps your family vehicle. Even when following the installation instructions step-by-step, there are things that could go wrong and lead to damage. Here are some common mistakes that could occur while installing a garage door.

Never Do a Garage Door Installation by Yourself

Most garage doors are heavy and installing such a door alone poses several safety risks. Springs are some of the most complex aspects of installing a garage door that are difficult to handle, especially if you don’t have the right tools to make the garage door installation easier. To minimize the chances of accidents, you should have at least two people to assist with the installation of the garage door.

Failure to Plot the Garage Interior Area Properly

A garage door should not be installed before the garage area is plotted accurately. The reason plotting is necessary is because it eliminates mistakes like placing the outlet or light system in the wrong way. An intricate wiring system could complicate the process if the plotting is not done well and you may end up spending more time and money to have the door installed properly. Therefore, take the time to ensure the garage area is plotted perfectly first.

Not Connecting the Lift Motor to the Right Section

Another mistake that could invite headaches in a garage door installation is connecting the lift motor to the wrong section. The design of the garage demands that the lift is placed at the center and when it is connected off to one side, issues like the door twisting arise. One of the benefits of a centerline mounting of the motor is that it helps to minimize bending that comes because of the panels moving. Before attempting any step that looks a bit confusing, it is always advisable to read the installation instructions again carefully. If necessary, you should consult an expert to ensure proper installation.

Your garage door should open and close seamlessly and quietly. There should be a minimum amount of noise when your garage door opens or closes. Choosing the right garage door, along with a proper installation, guarantees you a long-lasting garage door. Therefore, there will not be a need for frequent maintenance or to change parts. Every portion of the garage door installation process should be closely followed to eliminate any possibility of failure. A wise choice would be to buy your garage door and get it installed by the Garage Door Doctor. The doctor will ensure proper installation and you will not need to hire help or buy tools you may never use again.

For Mistake-Free Installation Visit the Garage Door Doctor

For garage door longevity of ownership and operation, installation is the single most important factor. Choose a beautiful carriage door and have it installed by the Garage Door Doctor on your new home in Houston, Texas. This will give your new home that classic look. Or, use a classic carriage house door to spruce up the exterior of your home renovation project to increase value before a sale, or just for personal enjoyment. Call the Doctor today, (281) 855-9300 or 578-7659 to get the right door installed properly for long, worry-free operation.