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When choosing a garage door opener, it is important to consider its impact on your life. That may sound like an exaggeration but, given the noise generated by garage door openers, simply pulling into your drive could disrupt the entire family.

One of the biggest noise culprits are chain drive garage door openers. They are highly effective but cause a lot of racket when the door is opening. For heavier doors, however, a chain drive garage door opener is the best option if your garage is a considerable distance from your living areas.

Garage Door Opener Suitability

The suitability of your garage door opener is essential to home comfort. Screw-drive is a common option that is fit for the purpose of most garage door openers. They are not as loud as chain drive garage door openers, so they are ideal for family homes. The only downside of screw-drive systems is they require a fair amount of maintenance.

The type of door is an essential consideration when choosing your opener. You have to think about the strain your garage door will put on the component parts, such as the teeth that drive the mechanism. A garage door opener can cost a considerable amount of money, so ensuring it is going to last is a major purchasing point.

Garage Door Safety

More important than durability is safety. If a garage door opener is not suitable, there is always the risk of injury or even death. The mechanisms involved in lifting and closing a garage door rely on torque. If the opener is not designed to take the strain or weight of your door, the entire rig could collapse without warning, due to the strain.

Installing a garage door opener is also a risk. If you have never installed a garage door, you will need to take care to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. When there is any doubt, it is time to consult the professionals. The extra money you pay will be worth it, when you consider the safety of your family.

Professional Garage Door Opener Installation

Professional garage door opener installation is the most cost-effective choice. It is also safer to let the experts ensure that your garage doors are safe. The Garage Doctor can provide the advice and services you need for a perfect installation.

Call, today, for a consultation with the Garage Doctor. We are here to help you ensure a safe and effective installation.